Phone overload


Sarina Sanghvi, Staff Reporter

For many teenagers, social media has become an escape from stress and anxiety, leading them down the rabbit hole of procrastination and being addicted to their phones. This can affect school work, mental health, and other aspects of well-being.

As a generation who has grown up with access to social media and the internet from a young age, it has been a prominent part of Generation Z’s life. It has been used to connect with others and build community with like-minded people. But social media has also caused a reliance on phones, especially since consuming media from other people’s perspectives can often help you forget about your own worries. Looking for an escape from the constant stress of teenage life, social media is something that many teenagers turn to. 

“I tend to go on social media when I’m overwhelmed because it distracts me from reality and sometimes that’s easier than dealing with the problem,”  sophomore Elia Gvilli said.

The quick access and instant dopamine and endorphins released from social media make it a consistent part of everyday lives. With a click of a button, you can instantly be scrolling and consuming media, which can last for hours and lead to procrastinating and feeling unmotivated to do anything else.

“I find myself checking my phone a lot, and when I do I procrastinate on homework and school work,”  Gvilli said.

Constantly consuming short and new content can also affect our attention spans, especially for adolescents. Seeing new posts, stories, and other people’s lives constantly on apps like Snapchat and Tiktok can affect how well students are able to focus in school.  

After consuming an overload of media so quickly, paying attention to longer content or lessons in school can become challenging and boring. It rewires teenage brains to need stimulation often. When nothing except social media can satisfy this desire, it is easy to become addicted. 

“I’m so addicted [to social media], I tried to delete it but I ended up redownloading it,”  sophomore Edgar Ramirez said.

This can affect teens’ ability to get their school and homework done on time because they are procrastinating on their phones, and trying to distract themselves from overwhelming responsibilities.

“I find myself checking my phone a lot, and when I do I procrastinate on homework and school work,” Gvilli said.

While social media can be addicting and a negative component in many adolescents’ lives, it’s not always the case. 

“I think it’s really just what you use social media for, and how you utilize it,” english teacher Aubrie Basco said.

Social media can be an uplifting and powerful tool for communication and building community, when used in moderation and keeping on the positive side of it. 

“Using your cell phone is a great way to check in with peers and decompress,” Basco said. “[But] it can be negative when trying to follow all the standards thrown out there so it’s important to regulate your social media.”

With finals approaching, staying focused and prioritizing school is important. For many, this is going to mean staying away from phones.  Setting different restrictions on your apps, or not keeping your phone with you all the time so you do not feel obligated to check it can be useful in making sure you stay productive and get all your work done.

“I have a screen time password to limit when I go on my phone, and I’ll also just try and stay away from my phone [during finals],” Gvilli said.